Certified To Make A Difference

Kean University students were given the opportunity to become CPR certified

Certified To Make A Difference
Rose Marie Kitchen

CPR means more than cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, it means having the chance to save a person’s life. According to the American Heart Association about 92 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital. Statistics prove that if more people knew CPR, more lives could be saved.

Immediate CPR can double, or even triple, a victim’s chance of survival. The quicker CPR is administrated the greater chance that person will survive. Even if emergency services are contacted promptly, it still takes time for them to arrive. “If you witness someone who is in need of CPR, you can act long before emergency personnel arrives and that person’s chance of surviving dramatically increases…only because you acted upon it,” explain Christopher Salvatore, sophomore criminal justice major.

Salvatore has spent countless hours and days, including his time in the Police Explorer program, working towards his goal of becoming a New Jersey state trooper. “If you had the chance to save someone's life before emergency medical services [EMS] or the police arrive, would you take it? CPR is fairly simple and easy to learn. Getting CPR certified gives you the opportunity to give someone else another chance of living. Whether it is friends, family or strangers being CPR certified allows you to helps others in need,” informed Salvatore.

Kean University recognizes the importance of CPR, so they gave students the chance to become certified. On December 6, 2014 the office of student government hosted CPR- Be A LifeSaver. This event not only taught students the importance of CPR, but it also allowed them to learn and become CPR certified. Every semester the office of student government does different life skill events. “The students have showed great enthusiasm, and appreciated the idea of this event,” announced Hailey Cruz, vice president of programing for student government.

This was also a great opportunity for nursing and criminal justice majors to save money and become certified. The student government hopes to host this event again along with their other life skill workshops. “As Stated in the mission of student government, we strive to enhance the Kean University students with an opportunity for personal growth, as well as vital life skills. We want to give the students a well-rounded experience,” explained Cruz.

CPR is something that all people should consider, and is an action that can save lives. CPR is the chance to make a difference and save someone’s life. “I encourage everyone to get certified and possibly be someone’s hero one day. You can be the reason between someone living and someone unfortunately dying,” announced Salvatore.

For more information about CPR and becoming CPR certified, please see the link provided below: http://www.heart.org/HeartOrg/CPRAndECC/CPR_UCM_001118_SubHomePage.jsp#