Spring Into Involvement

The Involvement Center helps students get involved and employed this spring

Spring Into Involvement

Senior Leadership Specialist Taylor Williams and Greek Life Specialist Jordan Cahill entice members of the student body with information about the Center for Leadership and Service 
Rose Marie Kitchen l The Cougar's Byte

The Involvement Center served the Kean University community as a liaison between students and areas of involvement on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, with their annual Student Involvement and Employment Fair, taking place within the Miron Student Center (MSC) atrium from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

College students tend to be plagued with an unavoidable fate of becoming unmotivated and uninvolved, not only in their classes but within their extracurricular activities and everyday life. This is why the Student Involvement and Employment Fair is important to members of the student body. This event allows people to showcase themselves to potential groups and employers and vice versa.

With this edition of the fair, offices such as Tutoring, the Writing Center, the Office of General Studies, Involvement, MSC Operations and Event Management, Residential Student Services (RSS), Health Services and others set up tables, calling students to apply to work for them and gain professional experience while attending school. One representative of RSS explained what it means to be active on campus.

“It’s important to get involved. College is more than just grades,” stated Dre Brown, senior history major and Customer Service Representative for RSS. “It’s networking, community service, and about finding yourself.”

Other clubs and organizations made themselves present with freebies, display boards, candy and information on how to become a member. One organization, The Kean Cougarettes Cheerleading Club, made itself known with a short video on what it means to be a member. Their motto of “Create, Destroy, and Conquer This Year” coincides with the traditional values of what it means to be a cheerleader. Founding member Jasmine Holder, a sophomore speech and language sciences major said that when she came to Kean University, she was upset that there wasn’t a cheerleading squad so she started her own.

“This club is a great way to stay involved and also have fun,” said Holder, who acts as a model for other students to follow in terms of starting their own organization on campus.

Throughout the four running hours of the Involvement Fair, students strolled about tables, finding more information about offices on campus, clubs and ways to be greater than themselves. Other campus clubs included Prisoners of Words (POW), Kean CRU, Kean SAFE, Psychology Organization (PsyOrg), Outdoor Adventure and Recreational Club and Kean Rotaract, each organization eager to present itself to new students. One freshman in particular, Emoni Foster, spent a lot of time perusing her options. Already a member of three separate clubs, she is eager to do more before the academic year’s end.

“I want to get good grades, become more proactive on campus, and hopefully land a job within the arts,” said Foster, who is a freshman fine art and psychology double major.

For more information about ways to get involved, visit the Involvement Center in MSC room 303 or call 908-737-5270.