Changing Your Major and Minor

Important information on how to change your major and minor

Campus Life > Changing Your Major and Minor
Changing Your Major and Minor
Changing your major and minor is a simple online process.
Taylor Battle, Staff Writer

Many students can say that they feel comfortable with the program they started college with. However, other students may have decided that their initial choice no longer fits with their future plans.

When this thought comes to mind, students make one of the biggest decisions of their academic career, changing their major or minor. This can be a difficult process when students don’t know where to start or who to speak to. With proper information, students can be able to change their major/minor without any issues or stress.  

Before starting, students should be certain that this is the right choice for them. Although changing one’s major and minor is completely normal, it is an important decision that should be thought out beforehand. Once students are sure, they should choose a major/minor that they would like to engage in. 

For more information, students can look at the Academic Programs page found on the Kean website. On this webpage, Kean offers information about the provided majors and minors as well as what will be taught in the intended department. Additionally, the page also provides the contact information of the major coordinator or the department chairperson. 

After obtaining the contact information of the desired department, the student should email the chairperson informing them about their decision to change their major/minor. Once the coordinator responds, they will provide students with valuable information, either through email or a scheduled video conference. 

At this time, students will be informed about the program and any possible requirements and procedures that are needed from them. Depending on the outcome of the conference, the department chairperson will give the student needed approval for joining the program. After the approval is gained, the student will have to fill out a Change of Major/Minor Form located on the Kean website.

Filling out the form is an important part of changing one’s major or minor. On the form it requires basic information such as the student’s name, student ID and their Kean email address. Also, the form will require the student to fill out information regarding the change of their major or minor. After completing this step, the student must email the coordinator the form so that they can finish the process. 

Once all paperwork is completed, the student must email the form to the Office of the Registrar at After the form is sent, the student should be prepared to wait about 10 days for the paperwork to be processed. Once this is completed, the new major/minor should be reflected on the “Program Evaluation” tab of KeanWISE

When it comes to the process of changing major/minor, certain students may have to take extra steps. For education majors, students must complete both the 1stmajor and 2ndmajor content area of the form. International students should contact the Center of International Studies for approval. Transfer students need to receive a reevaluation of their transcripts based on their new program of study. Once the administration has processed the paperwork, students will be notified by email when the process is complete.

about the author

Taylor Battle, Staff Writer

Taylor Battle is a junior pursuing a major in English with a writing option. Taylor joined The Cougar’s Byte in Spring 2021 with the position of a Staff Writer. She has a passion for the arts including music, art, literature and theater. She also is dedicated to helping her fellow colleagues to the best of her abilities. After graduating Kean, Taylor inspires to start a career in either journalism or publication.