If Life Were A Movie?

Students at Kean share what their life would be like as a movie or television series.

Essentials > If Life Were A Movie?
If Life Were A Movie?
Students share how their lives at Kean is like a movie.
Photo Courtesy of Pexels.com
Arianna Barry

Many feel that their lives are like a movie. With everything that goes on in everyday life, it is easy to see why. Students at Kean share what their life would be like as a movie or television series. 

“I would say my movie would involve me mostly staying on campus and playing tons of basketball," Student Lonnie Carter Jr. said.

Many students partake in a sport or recreational activitiy on campus. Students like Carter Jr. feel that if their lives were a movie, it would involve them playing a sport with friends.

Some feel that their life would be a comedy movie with some relatable aspects of campus life. By living in a comedy movie, students think that it would help alleviate the stresses of college.

“If my life were a movie it would be a fun comedy movie where I won’t have to stress about homework,” said Student Melanie Verahauna.

Besides movies, students also described their lives to be like television shows. Student Devania Wilson shared that her life would be similar to one of her favorite drama series.

“My life would probably be Gilmore Girls. It goes hand in hand with my major, ” Wilson said.

Gilmore Girls was a very popular show that aired for seven seasons during the early 2000s. Many students compared their life at Kean to famous 2000s tv shows, including Katelyn Kimble.

“My life here at Kean would be Gossip Girl,” said Katelyn Kimble.

Another popular show among students is called Community. This sitcom is about a lawyer who returns to college and creates a stduy group. Both Sara Balman and Ariana Aneros would compare this show to life at Kean.

“My life here would be like the show, Community," Balman said. 

“I would also say my life here would be like the show, Community," Aneros said.

Everyone's choices were unique and personalized to their everyday life as college students. Despite the diversity in answers, it's good to know that everyone has an interesting time here at Kean.