Kean Cougars Climb Toward Resolutions

Kean students share their goals and how they plan to succeed this year.

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Kean Cougars Climb Toward Resolutions
With the start of a new year, students share the resolutions and goals they'd like to accomplish.
Fajr Eutsey

It’s officially that time when everyone is trying to start fresh and rebrand their lives for the new year. However, according to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medicine, less than eight percent accomplish their resolutions. Despite the bad reputation, Kean students share their goals and resolutions for this year and the spring semester.

“My New Year’s resolutions are to become a healthier version of myself and to begin taking the necessary steps for my future,” said Management and Entrepreneurship Major Ch’nya Howard. “Also, I want to submit resumes to begin internships.”

As students make their resolutions, it’s important to remember that setting goals at the beginning of the year can actually help with academic progress. By taking care of one’s physical and mental health, it can positively contribute to how they retain and apply the information learned in their classes. Students, like Junior Lauryn Repollet, are making goals to enhance themselves and their academic performance here at Kean. 

“I want to better myself by being consistent with working out, reading more, praying more, and doing things that make me happy,” Repollet said. “Something that I want to accomplish this semester is challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone when designing for my architecture studio projects.”

While it’s important to take care of one’s self, students are also making goals to explore new places. Like Repollet, Katherine Huamani spoke about her New Year’s goals, specifically travel destinations.

“For this year, my personal goals are to be able to save up to travel to a European country,” Huamani said. 

This year, students are making goals towards their future. Senior Roise Joram expressed her aspirations for this year and how completing them will lead to her future endeavors. 

 “I want to turn my internship into a full-time job and continue to perfect my portfolio,” Joram said. “Also, I want to be able to move out of my parent's house at the end of this year.” 

It’s evident that everyone has different goals with various approaches on how to achieve them. The students at Kean who chose to share a glimpse into their year have shown that New Year’s resolutions can be helpful, exciting, and attainable. Kean University is always here to support and encourage students to continue climbing toward their dreams.