Staying Active

Kean students shared their favorite ways to exercise.

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Staying Active
Students exercise in the new Kean Fitness Center.
Photo Courtesy of Kean University Instagram

Fajr Eutsey

Staying active is something that many college students strive to maintain. It’s challenging for students to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. At Kean University, students share their favorite exercises. 

“I go to the gym sometimes. I should probably go more, but I enjoy the upstairs track for walking,” said Sophomore Dejahna Davis.

Walking is a popular form of exercise for many people. Walking for college students is vital when getting to classes and completing daily tasks. 

“I walk a lot. Around campus, to class, everywhere!” said Psychology Major Ariel Foss.

Physical activity can be beneficial to college students. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physically active students have better grades, cognitive performance, concentration, and memory. While it can feel like a chore, it’s helpful to remember that unmotivated individuals feel better mentally and physically after exercising. 

Walks and gyms aren’t the only way to stay active. Some students incorporate special activities into their schedules to add dimension to their workouts. Finance Major Melanie Huashuayo is one student who likes to partake in exciting activities. 

“I love rock climbing,” said Huashuayo. “I try to get an indoor rock climbing gym membership. It’s kind of expensive, so I save it for summer break. I highly recommend it. It’s a good skill in case a zombie apocalypse comes. I’ll be prepared to climb away!” 

Rock climbing is not only fun but also comes with health benefits. According to a Time Magazine article, rock climbing boosts muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and cognitive function.

Students should select exercises that align with their fitness interests. While some prefer running long distances, others enjoy short intervals or intense cardio. Students should analyze their comfort levels regarding exercise and create a schedule that fits their goals.

Sometimes, the perfect exercise is already incorporated into one’s daily life. Whether it be dancing, walking, yoga, or any other form of movement, staying active is good for one’s health. 

“I like to go to the events on campus and walk,” said Shenayah Baker. “I like to dance. I mostly just dance.”

Staying active isn’t always easy, but the health reward is worth it!