The Office of Affirmative Action Programs: We Are All Equal

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The Office of Affirmative Action Programs: We Are All Equal

Courtesy of De'Etra Pickett, Acting Director (Managing Assistant Director), EEO/AA Officer, and Title IX Coordinator within the Office of Affirmative Action Programs.

Ch'nya Howard

The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is a department within Kean University that devotes itself to maintaining a fair environment of unbiased treatment for the entire campus community. The office works diligently to protect individuals within the campus community from discrimination, harassment, and gender-based discrimination.  

In honor of April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Cougar’s Byte had the opportunity to speak with De'Etra Pickett, the Acting Director (Managing Assistant Director), EEO/AA Officer, and Title IX Coordinator within the Office of Affirmative Action Programs. She and her colleague and OAAP’s Associate Director, Catricia Shaw, work together to promote a healthy, diverse community of faculty, staff, and students.   

Pickett explained that the responsibilities of the Office of Affirmative Action Programs include the encouragement of fair treatment and the maintaining of civil rights laws.  

“The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is responsible for implementing and monitoring policies and practices to promote equal opportunity, prevent discrimination and harassment, and ensure compliance with federal and state laws and university policies related to affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, and Title IX,” said Pickett.  

As a result of the office being responsible for overseeing and carrying out practices that ensure an unbiased campus, the Office of Affirmative Action Programs has implemented several strategies to encourage equal opportunity strategies and fair treatment at Kean.

 “Our office integrates equal opportunity strategies by conducting training and workshops for faculty, staff, and students on topics such as diversity, inclusion, unconscious bias, and respectful workplace behaviors. We also work closely with departments across the university to review hiring practices, address complaints of discrimination or harassment, and promote a culture of respect and fairness," said Pickett.

Pickett also explained that the office oversees and manages affirmative action cases by organizing rigorous investigations into complaints and providing support and information on the appropriate next steps to resolve any issues and violations of the policies or laws.  

There have been critical moments that have happened in the past in the department that have contributed to the conclusion of difficult issues and the execution of innovative approaches. 

“There have been significant moments in the past where our office has successfully resolved complex cases, implemented new policies and procedures to enhance equal opportunity efforts, and collaborated with campus partners to promote a more inclusive environment for all members of the university community," said Pickett. 

To bring awareness and educate students about the department’s duties, the Office of Affirmative Action takes part in and hosts different events on campus. 

“Our office actively participates in events and programs to bring awareness to the Office of Affirmative Action Programs and promote a culture of diversity and inclusion on campus, for example, we host training sessions, awareness campaigns, I participate on panels and collaborate with student organizations to address issues related to discrimination, harassment, and equal opportunity," said Pickett.

The Office of Affirmative Action Programs is dedicated to creating a campus environment that supports the equal treatment and opportunity of all students, faculty, and staff. To reach the Office of Affirmative Action Programs, students can call by phone at (908)737-5984, email, or contact Pickett directly by email at, or in person on East Campus, 2nd floor within the student lounge Room 204. The office also has an online reporting system for confidential cases. Please visit their page on Cougar Link for events, visit their webpages OAAP:, or follow them on Instagram @kean_titleix, @kean_oaap.