The Cougar's Byte: Class of 2024 Send-off

The Cougar's Byte is acknowledging our graduating seniors.

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The Cougar's Byte: Class of 2024 Send-off

The Cougar's Byte recognizes our graduating seniors this spring.

Ch'nya Howard

Kean University is excited for the seniors preparing to graduate on May 16. The Student Life Media Team is proud to take this time to feature our seniors who will be graduating and taking the next steps toward their future. Nicole Rivera (Photography Manager), Wayne Dawes Jr. (Senior Editor), Gregory Robinson (Graphic Designer), and Da’Shon Curry (Videographer) are a part of the graduating class of 2024. The Cougar’s Byte had the opportunity to speak to these graduating seniors and ask them about their college journey and what they plan to accomplish.

Wayne Dawes, Jr., a Communication in Media and Film major from Somerset, explained what his proudest moment was a college student.

“Making the Dean’s List because growing up, I’ve always had an IEP, which is an Individualized Education Plan. I’ve always been told college might not be for you, school has always been hard for you. So, the fact that I got to come to a university and make Dean’s List multiple times, that’s my proudest moment,” said Senior Editor for the Student Life Media Team, Dawes Jr.

Dawes Jr. also shared that he plans to continue his education once he graduates from Kean.

“After I graduate here, I plan to go to graduate school for Communication and Media. I hope to take my master's degree along with my bachelor's here and get a media job. Hopefully at ESPN, but I'm going to build to that,” said Dawes Jr., Student Life Media Team, Senior Editor.

Nicole Rivera, a Business Management major from Kearny, disclosed what she discovered about herself while attending Kean.

“I’ve discovered that I love to just be around people. I found a community here and I enjoy being around that community. I used to be more isolated, not in a loner sense, but I would have one or two friends. But coming to college, I found that I flourish when I know a lot of people and I can just say hi to everyone I see,” said Rivera, Student Life Media Team, Photography Manager.

Rivera also explained that she wishes to pursue her photography after graduation.

“So, I hope to continue my photography career. That’s my passion that I really wanna work on. I definitely wanna just expand, go into sports, go into portraits, go into basically everything possible. But career-wise, I’m gonna try to get into marketing and just make my way through that to support my passion through my career,” said Rivera.

Da’Shon Curry, a Communication in Media and Film major from East Orange, shared what he discovered about himself while in college.

“While I was in college, I realized one thing about me, I’m a very, I don't want to say tenacious person, but more so a person that when he sees what he wants, he goes at it and he won’t stop at like anything until either A, he gets it, or B, he’s put into another path. So just being resilient one may say,” said Curry, Student Life Media Team, Videographer.

Curry also stated his plans after graduating from Kean.

“After college, I do plan on going down to Georgia where I’ll be a Grad Assistant at Mercer University, where I’ll be the lead videographer in the athletics department,” said Curry.

Curry’s most special moment at Cougar’s Byte was working with his coworkers and getting to know them more.

“Honestly, the people that I met, I’m not gonna lie. When I first came in, I was obviously just to myself on more of a yeah, I’m gonna get my work done and then go back home and just do a watch and repeat. But actually getting to know the people in the office, you come to realize at the end of the day, they’re generally cool people,” said Curry.

Gregory Robinson, a Graphic Design major from Piscataway, shared three of his proudest moments as a Kean student.

“Well, I have three since I can’t choose one. One moment was being a part of the Kean family, but most importantly building a family at Cougar’s Byte. I would also say going abroad for my spring semester and of course, graduating,” said Robinson, Student Life Media Team, Graphic Designer.

Robinson’s long-term goals include finding a career within the design field.

“Long-term goals would have to be freelancing for one- to two years while also finding internships and stable jobs within design. After that, I would love to move to a big city, while saving enough money to take one-month vacays all around the world and see what’s to explore,” said Robinson.

The Cougar’s Byte is delighted to have been a part of our graduating seniors’ growth and college experience. We thank them all for their time here at Kean, and we know that they will succeed in their future endeavors!