Dancing With Expression

President of Kean Dance Theatre ‘spins’ her way to the top

Dancing With Expression

Why do people dance? Is dance a form of expression or does it hold something more of a value? Bre’yanie Pearson, a sophomore majoring in public relations (PR), has always enjoyed dancing. She believes dancing is a great artistic expression because she is able to gain a sense of unity and peace.  

At the age of three, she started taking dance classes, and ever since then she has danced with high spirits and captivating energy. Pearson states, “every dance has an expression behind it. No matter what mood I am in, as long as I am able to go to practice and dance, it helps escape things that are on my mind.”     

As president of Kean Dance Theatre (KDT), she is responsible for overseeing all aspects of what takes place on stage. From booking locations for shows and programs to working closely with the secretary, Pearson is exposed to it all. “My job is definitely an outlet for me. Between working and classes, I really enjoy going to practice and it’s like my second family,” said Pearson.

When she was younger, she took dance classes at Five Star Dance Center and Nunnbetter Dance Theatre. Throughout her high school years, Pearson continued to dance by joining a dance group at her school for shows and rehearsed for programs. “I mainly like to dance to hip hop, but I also have a background in African music, tap, and modern day and contemporary,” Pearson said.  Aside from being president, she also serves as a desk assistant (DA) in Burch Hall, where she is expected to control who is allowed access in the building.

When Pearson graduates, she wants to become a publicist and get involved in a non-profit organization. “I enjoy promoting people and brands and stuff. Social media is everything nowadays, so I think it will benefit me in the future,” Pearson continued, “There’s a lot that I can do with my major and I don’t feel restricted. From publicizing to marketing, there are a lot of opportunities out there.”      

KDT is a student funded group, aiming to build positive and creative structure for students as they explore a diverse curriculum of dance culture. Each year, KDT spotlights artistic and high-spirited dance performances. The group has performed at countless events, some of which include Open House, Culture Fest, Campus Awareness, Arts in the Garden, American College Dance Festival, and the Annual Spring Showcase. “Dance is the only way for me to express myself,” Pearson said.

Join Pearson as she and the rest of KDT exhibit their talent at their annual Spring Showcase on Thursday, April 30, 2015 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Wilkins Theatre. “This year is different. The dancers this year will express something through their dance, whether the emotion is sadness, happiness, anger or whatever. Each dance will convey something,” said Pearson.