A World Of Pure Magic

Experience the fun at the Disney College Program!

A World Of Pure Magic

Experience the fun at the Disney College Program!
Photo courtesy of Christina Collazo

At Disney, all things are possible. Come learn how to gain an invaluable experience as a participant of the Disney College Program. Students can use this once-in-a-lifetime chance to prove to themselves and to the world who they really are.

The program is a paid internship that will give college students the opportunity to discover their talents, take part in personal and career development courses and embrace long-lasting memories that can change their lives forever.

An informational session will be held in the Center for Academic Success (CAS) room 451 on Tuesday, October 20, 2015, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for those interested. For half an hour, students will become well-aware of this truly unique program and all it has to offer. Building a resume, learning problem-solving skills, the value of teamwork and effective communication are only some of the many things students will learn.

Christina Collazo, senior public relations major, graduated from the program in the spring of 2013. As an alumna, she believes the program has offered her a very rewarding experience, so rewarding that she wants to inform her school community about it. “The Disney College Program is important to me because it was a great networking opportunity with Disney leaders and helped me decide what I wanted to do with my public relations degree,” said Collazo.

During the session, Collazo will share her personal accounts and the key components of the program, such as the array of courses Disney offers for each student and their major and the different roles they can play during the program. Interested applicants will also gain insight of what it is like to temporarily live in both Disney World and Disneyland.