Become An Artist For A Night

Students exchange pens and paper for paint and blank canvases

Become An Artist For A Night

Get away from mid-semester stress and paint a work of art
Photo courtesy of Student Organization 


There are some things in the world that just go together, like peanut butter and jelly and yin and yang. Student Organization has taken it upon itself to add to the list art paired with mocktails.

On Monday, November 9, 2015, there will be Art and Mocktails in Miron Student Center (MSC) room 229 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Students can expect a “typical ‘Wine and Paint’ class. Students will be given a specific painting task to complete with the help of an instructor,” said Alexa Cantres, Managing Assistant Director of Student Organization.

A week after midterms, most college students’ brains have turned to mush as they await the dooming midterm grades. Students are constantly hearing they should partake in activities unrelated to academia to relieve some stress. What better way to do so than painting? Art is viewed as a form of therapy. It is common for individuals to sculpt, paint or draw to alleviate stress as art is a short-term distraction and allows people to take some time away from stress. “As the voice of the student body we try to incorporate recreational and leisure activities for all kinds of students,” commented Cantres, “This event was created to bring out the inner artist in everyone and to help students relax with a fun and carefree evening.”

Put those textbooks to the side for a few hours and grab a stack of paint and brushes and get to work while sipping a sophisticated drink at Art and Mocktails.