Cupid In The Cougar’s Den

The School of General Studies treated freshman to Pre-Valentine’s Day “welcome back” social

Cupid In The Cougar’s Den

Prizes for freshman at Pre-Valentine’s Day Welcome Back social
Gabby Vicedomini | The Cougar’s Byte

Patrons of The Cougar’s Den were blinded by the colors of red, pink, and white as they crossed the threshold into the main dining area. To help ease the pain that accompanies the first year of college, The School of General Studies (SGS) hosted a Pre-Valentine’s Day welcome back social on February 11, 2016, in The Cougar’s Den from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the freshman students.

Freshman year can be a confusing time for many individuals – by the second semester, one’s brain has usually become a mess of fuzzy memories of classes from the fall and sleep deprived thoughts. The role of SGS is to keep freshmen, as well as all students, on track and motivated. After being released from Transition to Kean [T2K], it becomes harder to keep track of new students, which is why social events are arranged.

Freshmen sat around tables conversing, playing games such as Pictionary, catch phrase, or Heads Up with each other and their General Education Mentors (GEMS), partaking in color therapy and enjoying free refreshments such as fruit punch and pizza.

Resident freshmen, Kiara Taylor, who double majors in mathematics and biology and Breanna Calderon, currently undecided, sat together and bonded over coloring. Calderon says it was a relief when she saw Taylor because she was afraid she would be alone at this event but was willing to come to spend more time with GEMS.

“My GEM is awesome,” started Calderon. “He’s been so helpful…anything I couldn’t go to my advisor for, I knew I could go to my GEM. It didn’t matter whether it was school stuff or personal.”

This social not only acted as a social amongst freshman peers, but also a way for GEMS to stay connected with their mentees. GEMS help guide freshman along in their transition process and assist the instructors of T2K with professional work. Sophomore GEM and Biology-Physician Assistant major, Kevin Quigley believes that his role as a mentor is a rewarding experience.

“I’d definitely recommend it, you meet people and I used to be shy when I was a freshman and it helped me come out of my shell. It also feels good to help the freshman,” said Quigley.

Among the opportunities to make friends and eat food, students also had the chance to win prizes such as Barnes & Noble gift cards and other little prizes. SGS used this time to remind students of various workshops offered such as time management, stress relief and resume building as well as the ability to sign up for a GEM interest meeting.

For more information on the School of General Studies, contact 908-737-0333.      

GEM Drew MacDonald leading a game of Heads Up with freshman students
Gabby Vicedomini | The Cougar’s Byte