Grad School Programs For Cheaper Tuition!

Over 20 Graduate Foundation Scholarships and Graduate Assistant Opportunities offer assistance in paying tuition

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Grad School Programs For Cheaper Tuition!

The Nathan Weiss Graduate School, located on the East Campus, has an abundance of options to make tuition cheaper for its students.

Marcus Van Diver

Every semester, new and incoming graduate students attend Kean University's coveted and highly-acclaimed Nathan Weiss Graduate College after completing their undergraduate degree at Kean University or any other four-year college or university. However, prices for graduate school can be quite lofty for these prospective attendees. 

Fortunately, the Graduate College features over 24 Graduate Foundation Scholarships for students to apply to, so they will be able to obtain the higher education they want at an affordable price. The graduate school offers a variety of different graduate degrees pertaining to every student's field of study. 

Over 20 graduate programs are offered at the school, including accounting, communications, criminal justice, history and English. Students can benefit from the vast choice of offered programs while experiencing an interpersonal classroom environment with a qualified staff of professors.   

These graduate scholarships vary in qualifications, but include various opportunities for alumni and students in financial need equally. Certain scholarships, such as the Alumni Association Annual Graduate Scholarship, are applicable for Kean alumni who have exhibited exemplary academic excellence. Other scholarships, such as the Clifford Bush Annual Scholarship, can be applied for by those in the communication science and educational service fields who need financial support.

Additionally, prospective graduate students are allowed to apply for Graduate Assistant positions around the university. Known as the Graduate Assistantship Program, this opportunity requires service on campus and in turn, allows tuition for prospective graduate students to be at a cheaper and more affordable price. 

A select number of graduate students will have their tuition and fees waived by selecting this on-campus occupation, meaning that the Graduate Assistant position will take care of all school expenses for those that apply. 

Assistantships are in full effect from the fall semester to the spring semester, an entire academic school year. For graduate students who wish to apply to these positions, an online application must be filled out in order to be considered for assignment. Applicants should fill out their online forms of intent no later than March 1. 

Those interested are eligible for the positions by being accepted into the degree-granting course of study of their choice, including master's, doctoral or professional diplomas. Also, having a cumulative undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.25 or better is required. 

Applicants that get the position are expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout the semesters that they are working. Graduate Assistants must also be registered for a minimum of nine credits each semester. For more information on how to apply for the Graduate Assistant position, visit the Nathan Weiss Graduate College website.

The program is also applicable for current graduate students. For students who were not able to qualify for a graduate assistantship at the time they were accepted into the school, they can be considered for the program and can sign the online application if they meet the following conditions:

  • They possess a GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • They have completed a minimum of 15 credits at the Graduate level. 

Certainly, the costs of graduate school can be expensive, but with the alternatives that the graduate school provides, higher education can sound just a little more attainable to the prospective graduate student.


about the author
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Marcus Van Diver, Staff Writer

Marcus Van Diver, a senior majoring in communications with a concentration in mass media, has been a Staff Writer for The Cougar’s Byte since October of 2016. He has aspirations of working in the field of sports media and wishes to be a broadcaster, journalist or radio host for any major news corporation. His hobbies include, reading, exercising and playing sports. He is an avid fan of his New York Giants, Boston Celtics, Philadelphia Phillies and New York Rangers.