Mind Over Matter

The Kean Counseling, Accessibility, and Alcohol and Other Drug Services host a Virtual Mindfulness meditation workshop weekly to help students ease on through the semester

Campus Life > Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter
Virtual Mindfulness workshops are held every Wednesday at 1:30 pm by the Kean Counseling, Accessibility, and Alcohol and Other Drug Services
Justin Kanski, Staff Writer

The Kean Counseling, Accessibility, and Alcohol and Other Drug Services (KCC) hosted a virtual mindfulness event on Wednesday, March 17. This workshop is one of many in a series that will continue weekly until the end of the semester. Students who attended were able to de-stress themselves with meditation exercises that help gain control of achieving total wellness.

The KCC is a department on campus that aims to be a potential resource for Kean students as soon as they step foot on campus for the first time. They offer services including but are not limited to individual and group counseling, drug and alcohol counseling and education, and psychiatric consultation. Students do not need to be in a crisis or dealing with a serious problem to seek counseling. Students can choose to come to the counseling center with a variety of concerns such as:

  • Roommate and friendship conflicts
  • Homesickness
  • Academic difficulties
  • Depression
  • Self-esteem struggles
  • Anxiety
  • Family problems
  • Drug and alcohol concerns
  • Eating Disorder concerns
  • Sexual assault or date rape
  • Identity concerns

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to be an unwanted stressor for students, the KCC does offer many of its services remotely so students can still get the assistance they need during these times. As part of an on-going series called, Wellness Wednesdays the KCC hosted a few workshops one being a virtual mindfulness workshop where students can enter a Zoom room to meditate and most importantly relax. These workshops were created to help students practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is way more than just a simple meditation session. It is a practice of awareness for how the body and mind are experiencing the world around them.

Students can learn different ways to help reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. The KCC also hosted The Counselor's Couch: Microaggressions & Our Mental Health workshop as well. This workshop was an interactive discussion panel on the ways that microaggressions present themselves in everyone's daily lives and how they can affect mental health. Microaggressions are a statement or action that can be taken as an insult or unintentional discrimination against a certain group of people.

These workshops are only just a few of the ways the Kean community can feel as if they have all the resources they need in a remote format. The KCC is committed to making sure students are not alone and can always talk to anyone when they need to. The virtual mindfulness workshops will be held every Wednesday until the end of the semester at 1:30 pm on Cougar Link. Additionally, students who attend these workshops may be able to add them as credit for their Cougar Climb Path domains. For more information, email cougarclimb@kean.edu.

The KCC will be hosting more upcoming workshops in the coming days so make sure to keep checking out Cougar Link daily for new information. If students wish to contact the KCC, they can be reached at (908) 316-8217. Students may also email them at counseling@kean.edu as well. Their office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekly with evening hours from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If it is an emergency, please contact Kean Police at (908) 737-4800 or dial 911.

about the author
Justin Kanski - web

Justin Kanski, Staff Writer

Justin Kanski is a senior majoring in Communication with a focus on Media/Film and a minor in Health Relations. A Staff Writer for The Cougar's Byte, Justin is also a part of Kean TV and WKNJ 90.3 Cougar Radio as the host of J Money Jams. He is a member of the Leadership Institute Platinum Level and has served as a New Student Orientation Leader for the past two years. Justin’s favorite shows are “Power” and "Cobra Kai" while his favorite movies are anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He also loves listening to Hip-Hop music. Whether it be in front of the camera or behind it, Justin aspires to be a media mogul.