The Abouhaib Ambition

The new freshman class president seeks to build a family

The Abouhaib Ambition
Benito Nieves

Now that the dust of the freshman class elections has settled, a charismatic and determined leader has emerged. Mariam Abouhaib, the freshman English teacher certification major that worked towards victory to very the last second of elections, is the deserving president that hopes to impact the Kean community. Abouhaib was encouraged this past summer by current Student Organization president Scott Ramos to run in the freshman elections if she really wanted make a difference on campus; the opportunity seemed perfect. Initially running solo in her campaign, Abouhaib was approached by Team Evolution with the proposal that would place the presidency position in her hands. Together, the newly appointed head-runner and her team of ambitious Kean University new-comers campaigned relentlessly, stressing the urgency for strong leadership. Mariam Abouhaib comes to Kean from her four year stay at Montgomery High School, a place she recognizes as less than an institution and more so as a family. That certain "close knit" relationship that she once shared with her peers is an aspect she hoped will transcend to her new family here at Kean. Abouhiab also carries direct leadership experience from her high school years from her involvement with marching band for four years, which she held a leading officer position for, and her four year activism with then R.E.B.E.L. - Reaching Everyone By Exposing Lies, a group dedicated towards surfacing the concealed agenda of tobacco corporations.
Abouhaib attributes her win and the win of so many others from her campaign ticket to the unbiased approach they took towards being vocal. Whether it was freshman or upperclassman, Abouhaib made her approach and talked about her goals for the campus. For Abouhiab, the target audience was not limited to freshman, despite the fact that they were the only group eligible to vote; she knew the importance of a communal voice, one that can be heard by all of the student body. As her campaigning commenced, Abouhaib met many students who lacked English speaking skills. Despite Abouhiab being of Egyptian background, her Spanish minor helped her develop the strategy to produce fliers in both English
and Spanish.

The goals that Abouhaib plans to carry out for the 2009-2010 school year are chiefly geared towards encouraging school spirit and togetherness. Abouhaib would like to see more students involved with home games for Kean sports teams, attend celebratory events, and organize workshops geared towards exposure of diversities. Abouhaib recognizes the need for closer relationships among students. She has already participated in Kean events this semester, such as the E.E.O. talent show where she courageously preformed a self written song to an audience she hopes to call family. She was also one of the many leaders to attend this year's leadership retreat giving her yet another chance to make an impression on her peers. Abouhaib's term should be a successful one if her ambition continues to carry forth in such force; may the student body embrace her in her endeavors and begin to build bonds in doing so.