Don't annoy fellow students at the computer lab

Donyel L. Griffin

Have you ever walk into the computer lab hoping to zoom through a paper due the next day only to find you're surrounded by ringing cell phones, music playing and loud talking? There are an estimated 45 computer labs at Kean easily located at various places like the 24-hour computer lab in Dougall Hall, the Nancy Thompson Library, the University Center, and the Center for Academic Succes. It's no secret some labs are a bit "quieter" than others. Students ranked the labs located at the library, the university center, and Dougall Hall. They found the library was the quietest, the University Center was second and the Dougall lab came in last. Students love the availability of computer labs to work on homework, projects, and even to just surf the web. However, many students complain they just can't seem to get concentration in the computer labs because fellow students are not considerate. Patty Kashkonis, senior Psychology and English major, says, "Computer labs are convenient for looking up quick information and printing. I don't find the one in the library distracting, because they keep on top of you of what you do, but sometimes certain labs are noisy". Well, to not annoy Patty and fellow students here are a few "computer lab etiquette tips".
- Turn your cell phone off. Sure, your ringer may be the top number one hit, but people don't need to hear it while trying to do homework. It's distracting and it's just as easy to turn your phone on vibrate or even better - make it silent.

- Kean's computer labs have rules against playing audio. You have to provide your own earphones to hear sounds on the computer. With that said, just when you're listening to your mp3 player or something on the computer, please lower the volume, because chances are if it's up high people can still hear you.

- Talk quietly. It's tempting when a bunch of your friends enter the computer lab wanting to chat, laugh, and comment on fellow student's MySpace pages, but keep the noise level to a minimum. If you see someone is getting annoyed lower your voice, and if someone asks you to quiet down don't get an attitude with them.

- Food and drink. Look, no one is trying to spoil your appetite, but there are reasons why computer labs say no food or drinks allowed. Think about it. Would you like to type on a keyboard littered with crumbs and orange soda? Do everyone a favor and just put the drinks away until you're out of the lab. If you're that hungry or thirsty there are plenty of places on campus you can go afterwards.

Computer labs are community areas and you have to be mindful of this. It is an area where you may choose to socialize, but just remember to have respect other people. The reason rules are in effect is because people repeatedly abused them. Next, time you walk into a lab check yourself at the door and remember to use some computer lab etiquette.