So Long, Farewell

Godfrey says goodbye to The Cougar’s Byte

So Long, Farewell
Garieka Godfrey

After writing scores of articles with suggestions for graduating seniors, I have reached that milestone and must now bid Kean adieu.

My cougar journey began in the fall of 2008, and so too began my journey with the Center for Leadership and Service (CLSCLS

Inside the CLSThe Cougar's Byte in particular, there was always the crazy person; the funny person; the overly happy person; the quiet person; the talkative person; the "Oh my gosh! Did he just say that?" person; and of course, me, the person voted most likely to throw a chair on the Jerry Springer show.

As this journey ends and another one begins, the next step for me is pursuing a master's degree in communication and having a career in media, taking with me all that I have learned from my experiences in The Cougar's Byte and the larger Kean community,

"...So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on." ― Nicholas Sparks